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  1. Divine gym truths

    There are things about lifting which are so overgeneralized that they are obviously wrong, but at the same time they are absolutely true. Sometimes our scientific view would suggest that there should be counterexamples, but there are not.

    Most of these things are obvious and can be observed by anyone …

  2. How I sauna

    I have been asked about how to structure a sauna routine twice in a single week, so I guess here is the generalized answer on this topic.

    Most people figure out their routine over time, and it usually boils down to listening to your own body, but if you mimick …

  3. Befriending oneself

    People often throw around phrases like "practice self-compassion" or "love yourself". While this might be something that in theory possibly is helpful to some people, it is not immediately clear why it should be good and in practice the typical results seem to be bi-modally distributed around two poles:

    • people …
  4. My kubernetes blogroll

    This post contains a few links I refer to or share with other people. These links go to external sites and while I do my best to check them regularly for shady stuff, well you know how it goes in the wild wild web, so make sure to stay safe …

  5. How to finally fall in love with chin- and pullups

    Few exercises are so noncontroversial as chin- and pullups. Medical professional, gym enthusiasts, calisthenic people, crossfitters, almost everyone seems to like them. 1 The only people honestly not liking them tend to be strong and jacked (I mean even fat people acknowledge that they are just too fat, so they …

  6. Embrace boredom

    Boredom used to have a pretty bad reputation, and while it is slowly clearing up, I think there is still some way ahead of us to fully appreciate boredom.

    Boredom is what we experience when our mind searches for things to do and to occupy itself with. It is inherently …

  7. On more successful dieting

    It is new years eve or something like that and everyone is again thinking of really losing weight this year. Or really gaining muscle. And just as it happens, I procrastinated long enough on this post to post it on this fateful date, lol.

    In this post I do not …

  8. while read line in bash

    I always forget about this thing and the only reason I do not remember is because I have not written it down somewhere. And it is so embarrassing to ecosia it. At least now I can look it up on my own blog, slightly reducing the amount of embarrassment

    The …

  9. Why you should start a blog

    The other day I asked a friend for their blog URL and they did not have a blog. I was shocked. I thought every intellectual has a blog (or some other outlet) nowadays, but I was wrong. Because having a blog is such an obvious thing.

    Medieval librarian in front of a laptop

    Sometimes blogging feels anachronistic …

  10. Percolation models

    Percolation, i.e. the study of things similar to liquids dripped onto porous media, is an unnecessary fascinating topic. But you do not need to dive into the mathematics [1] to enjoy this fascination.

    Morever, we find that percolation is a very useful model, and on top of that, it …


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